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How Long to Get Rid of Cellulite With Exercise

What to Do When You Have Cellulits


Cellulitis is a common bacterial skin infection that most often affects the dermis, the layer of skin below the epidermis. It may first appear as a red, swollen area that feels tender and hot to the touch. Cellulitis is usually painful. Most often it begins with a break in the skin such as a cut, scratch, or other wounds, and the redness and swelling often spread rapidly.

In most cases, the skin of your lower legs is affected, although cellulitis can occur anywhere on your face or body. It usually affects the surface layers of your skin, but can sometimes penetrate below the dermis to affect muscle tissue or even bone. It can also spread to your bloodstream and lymph nodes, and if the infection isn't treated it may become life-threatening. Cellulitis usually responds well to antibiotics and you should get medical help right away when you experience symptoms.

Treating Cellulitis

Cellulitis occurs when certain types of bacteria enter the skin through a crack or cut. It is commonly caused by Streptococcus and Staphylococcus bacteria. Antibiotics are usually the first line of defense against cellulitis, and your doctor will generally prescribe a 10- to 21-day oral antibiotic regimen. The length of antibiotic treatment depends on the severity of your condition. It's important to take all your medication, even if symptoms improve within a few days, to ensure proper treatment. While on antibiotics, monitor your condition to see if symptoms are improving. Symptoms will usually improve or disappear within three days.

You may also be prescribed pain relievers by your doctor. You should rest and take it easy until your symptoms improve. While resting, raise the affected limb higher than your heart to help reduce any swelling. Contact your doctor right away if you don't respond to treatment within three days after starting a round of antibiotics, if you develop a fever, or your symptoms get worse. Cellulitis should go away within 7 to 10 days of starting your medication. If the infection is severe it may require longer treatment; this can occur if your immune system isn't working properly, or if you suffer from a chronic disease.

Treating Underlying Conditions

Treat any conditions that may have predisposed you to develop cellulitis, such as cancer, HIV or AIDS, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, or lymphedema. Another common risk factor is skin conditions that cause breaks in the skin, such as athlete's foot and eczema.

Being overweight or obese can also be factors in developing cellulitis, and losing weight can lower that risk. Treating these conditions may help lower your risk of developing cellulitis again.

Preventing Cellulitis

There are things you can do to help prevent cellulitis from developing. If there is a break in your skin, clean it immediately and regularly apply antibiotic ointment. Apply a bandage over your wound, and change it daily until a scab forms. Monitor your wounds for redness, pain, or drainage. Any of these symptoms could indicate an infection. There are things you can do to lessen your risk, such as keeping skin moist to prevent cracking, and inspecting your feet daily for signs of injury or infection. Wear protective equipment when working or playing and promptly treat any superficial skin infection such as athlete's foot.

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How Long to Get Rid of Cellulite With Exercise
