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I Can See My 3 Month Old Baby's Head Vein

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Help! Moving picture: Vein on Babe's Head

Does anyone's baby have this? Sometimes the vein is indented (can feel a dip if run my finger over it) and when she cries it bulges really bad (meet photo)

The pediatrician saw it and sent usa for an ultrasound through her soft spot, side by side we are going to meet doc (neurologist) on Tuesday morning. I simply wanna know if anyone else experienced and what was event? Perhaps information technology simply looks bad and it'due south normal? It freaks me out. When she stopped crying it went back down right away.


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My girl has this. I never thought anything nearly information technology though

It's probably only where the skull plates haven't fused together all the same since babies are born ya know with more flexible skulls and then they tin can move through the nativity culvert. I feel like it should go abroad when she gets older and her skull forms more since it merely does it when she is crying.

I wouldn't worry. My son has a vein kinda similar that but more of an indention

Our pediatrician said baby's skin is then sparse that you can encounter everything more pronounced. I wouldn't worry as well much but expect for the ultrasound results and and so go from at that place.

When I get upset my veins bulge out as well. It's caused by pressure in the veins from your heart beating faster. Glad y'all're getting it looked at merely personally, I wouldn't be also worried about it.

Thanks ladies you all made me experience better! Sometimes I get worried and become worked up. Luckily her date is less than 48 hours away.


my infant has this too. what the doctor say? i just noticed it yesterday. he is five month erstwhile. when he cries i can encounter the veins when he cease theres a dip run through my finger

I go a fairly obvious vein in my forehead when I express joy really hard or get really mad, my husband teases me and calls it Darth Veiner lol.

Mine may not exist quite as big or pronounced as your littles but her peel is still very thin, and as a pp said the plates haven't fused yet. I'thou sure your love volition be OK

My son has this. My pedi hasn't said anything most it so I just figured it was normal

My 3 calendar month one-time son has this. Did you ever become an answer? Thanks!


Hi wilmes35''

Did you accept your ped check it? How did it get?


The md said it was normal. I made a error and googled it before I saw the doctor,  which made me very scared, only the doctor said information technology isn't a trouble!


dd u get any reply? also having this kind og matter on my babe also have this veiny caput and im just freaking out correct at present seeing those veins on his head???how did it goes with your little one did hr merely grew out of it?


Also having this kind of vein on my four calendar month baby. Can you tell united states of america what the neurologist said ? Was the utrasound useful ?


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I Can See My 3 Month Old Baby's Head Vein
